

Main Location: Redwood City


Ragazzi Boys Chorus rents administrative and rehearsal space from St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 178 Clinton St., Redwood City CA 94062.

The chorus is non-denominational and a community-based registered 501(c)3 non-profit.

Satellite Location: Redwood City

Ragazzi Boys Chorus rents rehearsal space from First United Methodist Church Redwood City on Wednesdays for Young Men’s Ensemble rehearsal.

Satellite Location: Palo Alto

Ragazzi Boys Chorus rents rehearsal space from First United Methodist Church, Palo Alto on Mondays for one Primary Group class.

Satellite Location: Burlingame

Ragazzi Boys Chorus rents rehearsal space from burlpres (First Presbyterian Church Burlingame) on Tuesdays for one Primary Group class.