
Donate to Ragazzi Boys Chorus

Keep Them singing!

  • Keep Ragazzi accessible to boys from all walks of life.
  • Bring the joy of choral music to more boys and audiences.
  • Help mold young men of true character and distinction.

If you would like to donate via credit card, please fill out the form below.

Please Contact us to make a stock, check, or donor-advised fund donation.

Thank you!

Whether you give $30 or $3,000, every gift counts.

  • $3,000 provides tuition help for two choristers whose families struggle with costs
  • $2,400 makes camp accessible for a chorister needing assistance
  • $1,500 covers a semester’s worth of vocal coaching for one chorister
  • $1,200 provides the funds for a collaboration with professional musicians
  • $600 buys one piece of music for the whole chorus
  • $150 helps to pay for a piano tuning
  • $30 buys the beginning theory workbooks for one boy

Committed donors like you ensure that this community treasure continues to thrive.