Other Ways to Donate

Support us Via your Donor-Advised Fund
What’s a DAF? A Donor-Advised Fund is a centralized charitable account that allows individuals, families and businesses to make donations to nonprofits like Ragazzi Boys Chorus with tax-advantaged gifts. DAFs accept cash, publicly-traded stock and certain other liquid assets. DAFs are easy, convenient and tax-efficient.
Remember, current IRS rules do not allow DAF donors to receive donor benefits from Ragazzi or to use a DAF to fulfill a legally binding pledge.

Ragazzi Boys Chorus gets a 15% donation for any purchases made at Kasumisou
Great personal and holiday gifts! You may have seen the beautiful Ragazzi frames from Kasumisou Gallery on display at Singing Saturdays or Recitals. The Ragazzi logo frames may also be ordered online at the Kasumisou Gallery website. Sterling silver items – cuff links, charms, charm bracelets, spirit bracelets, dog tags, etc. can be ordered with the Ragazzi logo, too.
When you order, use the Ragazzi partner code (940621) at check out so that the Chorus benefits!