‘Tis the season!

We are coming up on many Ragazzi and non-Ragazzi events that contribute to the “season.” Some are obvious: Thanksgiving, Ragazzi concerts and gigs, Hanukkah, Christmas, and of course, there are others. Less obvious is Ragazzi’s Annual Fund drive– but our mailing that will hit mailboxes by Monday should fix that.
First off, a huge “thank you,” to all who have already donated. We launched the drive a month ago at Singing Saturday, and we have made great progress. Some 60 donors have supported us (with about 27% of current Ragazzi families taking the plunge, so far) and we are over 36% of the way to our dollar goal of $130,000. Help us meet this goal – help keep this community treasure flourishing!
Both our dollar goal and our participation goals are important. The first helps us close the gap between tuition and the real cost of the great music education and performance opportunities Ragazzi boys receive. That gap is about $1,400 per boy. Participation is also significant because high giving rates among stakeholders demonstrate to institutional funders that Ragazzi truly has impact. It shows that we are delivering services to boys and the wider community worthy of their support.
Participation is easy – you can wait for our Annual Fund letter and use the return envelope or, if you just can’t wait, click on the Donate button, below. Participating doesn’t mean you have to break the piggy bank – a $5, $10 or $25 donation means you’ve participated. So, give what you can. Remember, large or small, every donation matters.