Winter 2015 concert tickets on sale

All November and December 2015 concert tickets are available now. Visit Ragazzi’s Performances page for more info and links. Please note that some performances are sold via Ragazzi’s service (Seat Yourself) and some are sold through the organization that hired the chorus to perform (like Bay Choral Guild and Old First Concerts).
Carmina Burana with Bay Choral Guild
Ragazzi’s Avanti group will be the featured children’s chorus as Bay Choral Guild presents one of the most popular choral works ever composed. Avanti will also perform their own repertoire at these performances. Buy tickets through Bay Choral Guild Tickets
I Dream A World
Ragazzi’s upper level groups will perform concerts inspired by poet Langston Hughes’ vision of world unity. The music celebrates the traits that humans have in common across all cultures. Join in at the end with Ragazzi’s traditional carol sing-a-long. Three venues. Tickets
Winter Family Recital
Our Primary and Premiere groups are especially showcased in this beloved and joyful culmination of the first semester’s learning. Ragazzi’s program of musical growth and progress is laid out, from entry level through middle school. Bring your son’s young friends – it’s a great introduction to the range of musical accomplishments Ragazzi boys can achieve. Tickets