I Dream a World: San Francisco

Ragazzi Boys Chorus’ I Dream a World concerts feature music inspired by the words of the classic Langston Hughes poem of the same name. This music celebrates the traits that humans have in common – the power of love and music to transform lives, across many cultures. Selections include the mystical Adinu, a Sufi chant sung in Arabic, which proclaims that “love is our religion.” Contrasting pieces in Hebrew will be sung: the lively dance Shiru (“Sing!”), and the thoughtful prayer, L’Dor Vador. From the European tradition, the six-part counterpoint of William Byrd’s Haec Dies (“This is the Day”) illuminates the world of the English Renaissance. The concert will conclude with a carol sing-a-long featuring favorites such as Deck the Halls, Joy to the World, and O Come All Ye Faithful.
Old First Presbyterian Church
1751 Sacramento Street, San Francisco