Ragazzi Boys Chorus: Joy, Awe, and Wonder

Ensembles: Avanti, Concert Group, Choral Scholars, and Young Men’s Ensemble
The virtual airways will be filled with the joyful sound of boys’ and young men’s voices raised in song when Ragazzi Boys Chorus presents the virtual concert Joy, Awe, and Wonder. Utilizing the groundbreaking Ragazzi Virtual Studio technology that allows Ragazzi singers to perform together from home over the internet, this concert presents moments of reflection and gratitude set to music and celebrates Ragazzi’s collective efforts to innovate and thrive. Honoring the Silicon Valley boys chorus’s tenacity and growth over the last year, Ragazzi choristers will share songs full of joy, awe, and wonder, lifting spirits during these unprecedented times.
The concert is free (though we ask you to consider a donation of $25 per viewer to defray production expenses).