Why we sing
Choral music has a long written record (maybe 2,500 years), but as a folk art, its heritage is likely entwined with all of human history. There are cultures on the planet that don’t embrace all the … read more
Choral music has a long written record (maybe 2,500 years), but as a folk art, its heritage is likely entwined with all of human history. There are cultures on the planet that don’t embrace all the … read more
Ragazzi Boys Chorus is helping to build remarkable boys, as described in this shortened version of our mission statement: “Ragazzi educates boys to perform choral music to the highest standards of excellence, instilling self-confidence, cooperation, leadership, sensitivity … read more
At camp this summer, the boys learned a lot of music. We asked the older boys to write about their experience as campers and as long-time members of the chorus. Ragazzi boys have embraced the joy … read more
We have been reviewing the comments from our alumni, and I want to share something one of Ragazzi’s current high-school seniors wrote. Sometimes I am surprised by the wonderful insights these boys have. They are not always … read more
The following is the preamble to the December 2015 “I Dream a World” concert program “And this shall be our reply to violence, to make music even more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.” … read more
Some amazing things happened at Singing Saturday. Sure, the boys rehearsed and sang for us (always amazing), but it’s the parents’ meeting that knocked my socks off. Special thanks to our Development Committee co-chairs, Gabriela Wehner … read more
All November and December 2015 concert tickets are available now. Visit Ragazzi’s Performances page for more info and links. Please note that some performances are sold via Ragazzi’s service (Seat Yourself) and some are sold … read more
Ragazzi choristers Michael Sacco, William Peironnet, and Nicholas Hu are cast members in San Francisco Opera’s charming production of Mozart’s The Magic Flute, which opened yesterday. Michael sings the role of the First Spirit; Will … read more
Welcome to all new Ragazzi families! I enjoyed having a chance to greet you earlier this week. At your new parent orientation meeting, I shared some insights from the boys in Concert Group, our top-level … read more
At camp this summer, the boys learned a lot of music. We asked them to write about their favorites and to share what they like about the music. Reproduced in full below, Concert Group members … read more