Ragazzi Boys Chorus is committed to excellence in musical performance and education. The Ragazzi experience instills self-confidence, cooperation, leadership, sensitivity and tenacity, helping our boys develop into young men of character and distinction. Ragazzi serves our boys and the community by performing a diverse selection of choral works to the highest artistic standards.
—Ragazzi mission statement
"Joining Ragazzi was the best decision of my life. I have 'brothers' that create the best and closest friend group I have."
Evan Spanner, alumnus

Ragazzi offers a complete musical education with a program designed to take young boys from their first exposure to the art of choral singing through a full course of choral and vocal instruction.
Boys from over 100 different schools enjoy the opportunity to participate in this unparalleled learning experience as they:
- Make new friends. Improve their social skills and self-esteem.
- Become global citizens as the older boys travel the world on summer music tours.
- Develop choral skills, music theory education, and an appreciation of music that will last a lifetime
Season Schedule
- Boys meet once or twice per week, depending on their group
- Groups rehearse weekday evenings at Ragazzi’s facilities in Redwood City or our satellite location in Palo Alto
- Schedule:
- Fall semester runs from early September through mid-December
- Spring semester runs from early January through early June
- Summer break includes sleep-away Summer Session for intermediate and advanced ensembles and a day camp summer session for our beginning groups
- Every Ragazzi boy can sing the National Anthem at a San Francisco Giants game!
- Beginners sing at Ragazzi’s recitals in mid-December and early June.
- Intermediate and advanced level boys perform more frequently
- Upper-level choruses tour during the summer
Choruses lead the way
What’s so special about choral singing? The benefits are so deep and wide that major news outlets have joined the bandwagon. The segment about children in this report begins at 2:44.