
Category: News: Page 11

HMB Review: Ragazzi boys sing with SF Symphony

The Half Moon Bay Review featured two local Ragazzi choristers who are currently singing with the San Francisco Symphony: At the end of September, the San Francisco Symphony celebrated American composer Leonard Bernstein, and two … read more

“In the Company of Angels”

The following is a brief essay from the program of “In The Company of Angels.” What are angels? They appear as messengers or agents from the divine, but also share some aspects of the divine. … read more

Why we sing

Choral music has a long written record (maybe 2,500 years), but as a folk art, its heritage is likely entwined with all of human history. There are cultures on the planet that don’t embrace all the … read more

More than music

Ragazzi Boys Chorus is helping to build remarkable boys, as described in this shortened version of our mission statement: “Ragazzi educates boys to perform choral music to the highest standards of excellence, instilling self-confidence, cooperation, leadership, sensitivity … read more

The meaning of music, in boys’ own words

At camp this summer, the boys learned a lot of music. We asked the older boys to write about their experience as campers and as long-time members of the chorus. Ragazzi boys have embraced the joy … read more

And then, they go to college!

We have been reviewing the comments from our alumni, and I want to share something one of Ragazzi’s current high-school seniors wrote. Sometimes I am surprised by the wonderful insights these boys have. They are not always … read more

Honoring Langston Hughes’ vision

The following is the preamble to the December 2015 “I Dream a World” concert program “And this shall be our reply to violence, to make music even more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.” … read more