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Become a Ragazzi chorister! No previous singing experience is required to audition. We know this is likely a boy’s first audition experience, so we keep the experience short, simple, and fun! There is no need to prepare a musical selection. Auditions are held year-round.

Book an audition

"My audition was fun. At first I was nervous, but everyone was really nice."

First-time chorister, age 7


The Benefits of singing with ragazzi:

Find new, long-lasting friendships

Improve social skills and self-esteem

Develop an appreciation of music that will last a lifetime

Improve focus, memory, study habits, and creativity

Parents of children in choir report significantly higher academic performance


Ragazzi is looking for boys who love to sing

Ragazzi is the largest boys chorus in the Bay Area, serving over 230 boys from more than 100 schools. The chorus was founded by Joyce Keil in 1987 to better serve boys, who are historically underrepresented in children’s choirs. Ragazzi has hundreds of alumni who have attended top colleges around the country. Our mission is to develop boys from all walks of life into young men of character and distinction.

Ragazzi boys learn choral singing and music theory in weekly classes, with just the right amount of structure and fun. Participating in a choir is similar to playing a team sport – everyone must work together to achieve a common goal. When boys sing with other boys, they are less self-conscious, making it easier for them to express themselves. Most boys sing with Ragazzi starting in elementary school and continue through high school, making lifelong friendships through exceptional experiences.

I’ve known my Ragazzi friends much longer than anyone I met in high school. I’ve grown up with them and we’ve traveled the world together, creating special bonds that I will treasure for the rest of my life. — Ragazzi Chorister


Watch us on YouTube!

Studies have shown time and time again that choral singing, especially from a young age, is beneficial to academic success, social development, and even brain function! This is a small slice of the research done on this subject.


Ragazzi is an experience like no other. From tours to performances, to lifelong memories our students love Ragazzi.

Read more about the Ragazzi experience here.











Recent awards:

• Named one of the Best Choirs On The Peninsula by CBS News
• Voted Best Non-Profit 2019, Best After-School Activity 2019, and Best Non-Profit 2018 by Palo Alto Daily News readers


Is your boy too young for our Primary group, but loves to sing? The perfect beginning at Ragazzi harnesses his musical energy in our non-auditioned Prelude class. He’ll have lots of fun, get a taste of choral singing, and get started on some of the foundations of music. This 45-minute class is designed for boys ages 5–7 in grades K-1.

More information