
Financial assistance

We believe that any boy who loves to sing should be able to participate in Ragazzi, regardless of financial circumstances. We encourage families to apply for financial help through our confidential Flexible Tuition Assistance Program (FTAP). FTAP provides assistance for choral tuition, tour, and summer camp. All applications and awards are strictly confidential. Click here to see Choral Tuition and other costs for 2024-25.

The deadline for returning families for the 2024-2025 FTAP submission is June 30, 2024. Submissions from families joining Ragazzi for the first time in the fall will be accepted through Friday, September 27, 2024. Submissions from families joining Ragazzi for the first time in the spring will be accepted through Friday, January 31, 2025. The FTAP committee or the office will let the applicants know their results and when to submit their tuition payment.

Please submit full tax returns via attachment to ftap@ragazzi.org.

Questions? Email the Ragazzi Financial Tuition Assistance Program Team

FY25 2024-2025 FTAP Questionnaire