
Choral Program
- Primary Group (beginners): $2,240 annually
- Ragazzi Premiere (intermediate beginners): $2,700 annually
- Avanti (intermediate to advanced): $2,970 annually
- Concert Group (advanced): $3,300 annually
- Choral Scholars (internal changed-voice honor choir): $3,300 annually; includes participation in Young Men’s Ensemble
- Young Men’s Ensemble (changed voices): $2,840 annually
Tuition assistance is available.
Sibling discounts are also available.
Additional costs:
- New chorister registration fees (includes complete theory program materials and book bag): $210
- Uniforms: about $250 per year or less (pre-worn uniforms are often available free)
- Concert Group, Choral Scholars, and Young Men’s Ensemble blazers: rented at $100/year
- Avanti vests: rented at $50/year

Prelude is Ragazzi’s non-auditioned introductory class option for boys ages 5–7 who are just getting started with singing. These are Ragazzi’s youngest members. When boys are ready, they can move into our choral training program.
- $935 annually
- $380 for fall semester only
- $585 for spring semester only
Tuition assistance is available.
Sibling discounts are also available.

Summer Session
Variable by year and location; approximate costs listed
- Sleep-away Summer Session for Avanti, Concert Group, Choral Scholars, and Young Men’s Ensemble: approximately $2,500 – $3,300
- 8-day Summer Session required for Avanti and Young Men’s Ensemble
- 10-day Summer Session required for Concert Group and Choral Scholars
- Ragazzi Premiere day Summer Session: approximately $700-800
- Boys placed in Premiere for the fall semester are required to attend Summer Session in the summer alongside returning Premiere choristers.
- Optional Summer Session for Primary Group boys who are singing with the Primary level in the fall semester: approximately $450-550

Variable by year and destination; approximate costs listed.
- Concert Group, Choral Scholars, and Young Men’s Ensemble (international or domestic tour): ~$6,900
- Avanti (domestic tour): ~$2,500
- Ragazzi Premiere (Northern California tour): ~$320, plus family food but including housing cost
- Prelude and Primary Group: no tour